What to consider
What outcome would you like to achieve?
What's available and possible?
What could be a barrier to success?
Who needs to be on board, involved or could help you?
Physical Health (Caregiver)
Taking care of your health & wellbeing
As a consequence of being a Carer for someone else, it's common to neglect your own health. This may be due to limited time or motivation to exercise or eat well, the result of lifting, leaning or bending while helping out, poor sleep and stress, or due to a neglected health issue or chronic condition of your own. What types of technology? Wearables like watches and rings, stress relief devices for massage, music and meditation; and health monitoring technology like blood pressure cuffs, sleep monitoring or oximeters, or exercise equipment enable you to see what your measures are, motivate you to improve them, or trigger a checkup to the doctor for yourself. For you, it can help keep up your steps and see positive results when you do, get some exercise in at home, help to relax and wind down, and give you data on how much sleep you're getting or blood pressure, to improve it. For the person you care for, you taking care of your health can be motivating for them too, and help you be stronger and more easily able to care for them. When using these devices, you can set a walking or running target daily and share it with friends, you can track your heart rate, Vo2max, breathing and sleep and get notifications or notice trends to share with your doctor. As importantly, the help to wind down, drift off or make it easier to have music around.
Examples. You want to know you've made your steps target and keep it up the next days as well. You see your heart rate, blood pressure or other health measures getting off track and make a mental note to eat well and get back on track. You assume you're tired because you're busy, not noticing your anxiety levels, poor sleep quality or sleep apnea is the cause. You take a moment to listen to a meditation, or put music on to relax or give you energy. You use a camera or respite to get to the gym or run around the block and have the goals met sent to friends to celebrate (or compete with them). You build exercise into your day with a foot treadmill under the table or desk, or a bile/trike to go out with.
Physical Health (Care Recipient)
Taking care of their health & wellbeing
As a Carer for someone else, you may have to look after someone's physical health. This may be due to a specific health condition they have, a complication, an inability from them to know or communicate what's happening, or having data to know whether to take action like call the doctor or share over telehealth, with more confidence. What types of technology? Health monitoring technologies like wearables (watches and rings), medical devices like heart monitors, sleep monitoring, fingertip oximeters, spirometers, blood glucose levels or thermometers enable you to get data readings or graphs are, show the opportunity to improve them, or allow you to set an alert if certain events occur, like heart irregularities, seizures or sleep apnea. Apps can also assist for recording symptoms or guiding health behaviour such as meditation or nutrician. For you, it can help you understand why the person you care for is fatigued, aggressive or agitated, or identify the impact of a new medication (positive or negative). Being able to have data and record trends of health measures, give you confidence to seek medical advice and provide more information. Sometimes it's difficult not knowing whether to get help or how to quantify what's happening.
Examples. You want to check relevant biometric measures like heart rate or blood pressure regularly, to know what direction health is going in and get help. You want to take a telehealth appointment, and show with data what's happening with the patient when they don't have a voice, or a clear picture, themselves. You set an alert to know if the person you care for a seizure during the night, so there's you can worry less while you're sleep that something has occurred. You want to help the person you care for be more motivated to make healthy choices relating to weight, sleep, blood pressure by seeing their trends and positive improvements.
Easier & Empowered
Routines & Easier at Home