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TravelScoot (Children, Adults or Senior Adults)

TravelScoot (Children, Adults or Senior Adults)

This product can assist with independence, engagement in the community, and wellbeing, with benefits to you (child, adult, or senior adult), your family, or carer.


TravelScoot - The world’s lightest electric scooter.




Compensate for reduced mobility and be independent shopping or engaging with your community Re-Mobilize Your Life. The TravelScoot ™ is with 35 pounds by far the world’s lightest and most compact electric mobility scooter.


It’s the ideal scooter for everyone who’s feet are not playing along but who are otherwise still in a fairly good shape. The innovative folding mechanism allows, for the first time, a 3-wheeled scooter to fold down to the dimensions of a 2-wheeler.


The heaviest part is just 22 pounds. Set-up and break-down takes less than a minute. It fits where no mobility scooter has ever fit before! Seat and battery removal takes just a few seconds. A few more, and the frame is done, too.


TravelScoot ™ for mobility-impaired youth and children Because of its extreme light weight and adjustable speed, the TravelScoot Shopper (available in both full-size and Junior) is well-suited for mobility-impaired youth and children.

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    Finance may be available through payment plans, insurance plans, or independent living assistance.


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