Sleep Robot by Somnox
This product may help with your health and wellbeing.
Aids in sleep quality and insomnia can reduce health issues like depression, obesity, and type II diabetes. According to research, 71% of people using the sleep robot experienced improvements to their sleep and calmness, within 2 weeks, including testimonials to the benefits of some health-related conditions.
Feel more relaxed Sleep faster, deeper and longer.
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Research and the science behind this product is outlined here
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Somnox Sleep Robot, a health tech device that has already made major headlines for its ability to do wonders for your sleep. Given that insomnia is linked to health issues like depression, obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes, it deserves the attention it’s getting.
This peanut-shaped robot has a three-pronged strategy to help you fall asleep faster, and sleep longer: it focuses your attention, it slows down your breathing, and it plays calming sounds.
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