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Wellue Pulsebit™ EX Personal EKG Monitor

Wellue Pulsebit™ EX Personal EKG Monitor

LEPU AI-ECG platform provides intelligent ECG statistical results with AI analysis reports.  Personal ECG/EKG MonitorDetect Your Heart Precisely. Take a noise-free medical-grade EKG anytime, anywhere.




  • Be proactive about your health, predict and prevent problems or share with your health professional.
  • Take noise-free EKG with cable and reusable electro pads or take an EKG cable-free, on your palm
  • Helps detect Arrhythmia, Heart Pause, Atrial Fibricular (AF), Tachycardia & Bradycardia
  • Manage your EKG data on Your Smartphone
  • Unlimited storage in your phone App.
  • View and share reports anytime, anywhere.


Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) Card size, built-in memory, touch screen with graphic guidance.


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  • More information

    The Wellue® - Pulsebit™ EX : Personal ECG/EKG Monitor is a device that can be used to take an electrocardiogram (ECG) or electrocardiogram (EKG). It is a small, handheld device that is easy to use. The Pulsebit™ EX uses three electrodes to take an ECG reading. The electrodes are placed on the chest, left arm, and right arm. The Pulsebit™ EX then uses these readings to create an ECG or EKG.

    The Pulsebit™ EX can be used to monitor heart health. It can be used to detect heart arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. It can also be used to monitor heart rate and heart rate variability. The Pulsebit™ EX can also be used to track exercise performance. It can be used to measure heart rate during exercise and to track changes in heart rate over time.

    The Pulsebit™ EX is a valuable tool for people who want to monitor their heart health. It is especially useful for people who have a heart condition or who are at risk for a heart condition. The Pulsebit™ EX can help you to track your heart health and to identify any potential problems early on.

    Here are the functionalities of Wellue® - Pulsebit™ EX : Personal ECG/EKG Monitor:

    • Takes ECG and EKG readings: The Pulsebit™ EX can take ECG and EKG readings. ECG readings are used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. EKG readings are used to measure the electrical activity of the heart and the heart's rhythm.
    • Detects heart arrhythmias: The Pulsebit™ EX can detect heart arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. Heart arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats.
    • Monitors heart rate and heart rate variability: The Pulsebit™ EX can monitor heart rate and heart rate variability. Heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Heart rate variability is the variation in the time between heartbeats.
    • Tracks exercise performance: The Pulsebit™ EX can track exercise performance. It can measure heart rate during exercise and to track changes in heart rate over time.
    • Small and lightweight: The Pulsebit™ EX is small and lightweight. It is easy to carry with you.
    • Easy to use: The Pulsebit™ EX is easy to use. It does not require any special training.
    • Wireless: The Pulsebit™ EX is wireless. It can connect to your smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth.
    • App support: The Pulsebit™ EX has a companion app that allows you to view your ECG and EKG readings, track your heart health, and share your data with your doctor.


  • How To use

    Here are the steps on how to take an ECG on Wellue® - Pulsebit™ EX : Personal ECG/EKG Monitor:

    • Make sure that the Pulsebit™ EX is turned on and paired with your smartphone.
    • Put on the electrodes. The electrodes should be placed on your chest, left arm, and right arm. The electrodes should be placed in the following locations:
    • Chest: The electrode should be placed on the left side of your chest, just below your collarbone.
    • Left arm: The electrode should be placed on the inside of your left wrist.
    • Right arm: The electrode should be placed on the inside of your right wrist.
    • Open the Wellue ViHealth app.
    • Tap on the "Take ECG" button.
    • Stay still while the ECG is being taken. The ECG will take a few seconds to complete.
    • Once the ECG is complete, you will see a waveform on the screen. You can also view your ECG data in the Wellue ViHealth app.

    Here are some additional tips for taking an ECG on Wellue® - Pulsebit™ EX : Personal ECG/EKG Monitor:

    • Make sure that the electrodes are placed correctly. If the electrodes are not placed correctly, the ECG reading may be inaccurate.
    • Avoid moving while you are taking a reading. Movement can cause inaccurate readings.
    • If you have any questions or concerns, consult with your doctor.


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