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MusicGlove Hand Therapy

MusicGlove Hand Therapy

This product may assist in recovery and rehabilitation, with benefits to faster recovery, and in a home environment.



MusicGlove works by motivating users to perform hundreds of therapeutic hand and finger exercises while playing an engaging musical game.


To use the device, you simply put the MusicGlove on your hand and press play. Then, follow along and make the appropriate pinching movements when each musical note floats down the screen.


  • FDA listed neurorehab that helps improve mobility for hands and fingers
  • Combines therapeutic music and gaming for an immersive rehab experience
  • Used in 300+ rehabilitation hospitals, 10,000+ homes



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    The MusicGlove is a hand therapy device that uses music and gaming to help people improve their hand function. The glove has sensors that track the user's hand movements, and it plays music or games that require the user to make specific hand movements. This helps to improve the user's hand strength, dexterity, and coordination.

    The MusicGlove has been shown to be effective in improving hand function in people with a variety of conditions, including stroke, cerebral palsy, and arthritis. It is also a fun and engaging way to improve hand function, which can make it more likely that people will stick with the therapy.

    If you are interested in learning more about the MusicGlove, you can visit the website of the company that makes it, Flint Rehab.

    Here are some of the benefits of using the MusicGlove:

    • Improved hand function: The MusicGlove can help improve hand strength, dexterity, and coordination.
    • Fun and engaging: The MusicGlove is a fun and engaging way to improve hand function, which can make it more likely that people will stick with the therapy.
    • Effective: The MusicGlove has been shown to be effective in improving hand function in people with a variety of conditions.


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