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Touchpoint Calm

Touchpoint Calm

Wearable bracelet inducing calm through gentle science based micro haptic microvibrations.  Range of accessories, clips etc. 


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Review the research, including the benefits relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder, here.

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    Help reduce stress and settle children or adults TouchPoints are groundbreaking wearable devices that use gentle haptic micro-vibrations that are clinically proven to reduce stress by over 70% in 30 seconds.

    Developed over the course of a decade by a team of neuropsychologists, these devices work by altering the body's stress response with scientifically validated BLAST technology (Bi-lateral Alternating Stimulation Tactile) technology.

    Case studies with users that have Parkinson's disease have shown a significant reduction in tremors, with improved sleep and overall better quality of life.

    TouchPoints’ patent-pending BLAST (bi-lateral alternating stimulation-tactile technology) is scientifically proven to alter the body’s “fight or flight” response caused by stress.

    The wearables emit vibrations that disengage your standard stress response which can impact your performance and health.

    And the results have shown to be lifechanging.

    This unique process of shifting from one brain area to another has been proven to create new behaviour patterns that lessen your reaction to stress over time.

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