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Tombot - The worlds most realistic robotic support dog

Tombot - The worlds most realistic robotic support dog

This product may help with wellbeing and peace of mind, including health benefits as a result.


Tombot - a robotic companion animal designed to delight and improve the quality of life for anyone who cannot have a live pet.


Tombot Puppies are the most realistic robotic animals in the world and help individuals, families, and communities cope with many health adversities that include:

1 in 3 seniors in the United States report being lonely. Research shows that chronic loneliness can impact older adults’ physical well-being, mental health, and life expectancy.

1 in 12 adults in the United States report having depression. 80% of these adults experience problems completing daily tasks.

35M people are admitted to hospitals in the United States each year. Long-term hospital patients are often subject to psychological stress because they lack control of their environment.

1 in 6 children in the United States has a diagnosed mental, behavioural, or developmental disorder

Tombot has been designed as an interactive companion and includes the following features:

Touch sensors all over the Puppy's body allows her to react to you based on how and where she is being touched.

Voice activation software allows your Tombot Puppy to react to your commands. Just tell her to speak and she'll speak!

Recordings from a 12 week old Labrador puppy makes your Tombot Puppy sound like the real deal!

Just like your smartphone, simply plug your Tombot Puppy in overnight and it should last all day.

Tombot comes with a free smartphone app that allows you to name your Puppy, customize its functionality, and track your interactions with it on a day to day basis.

As we continue to grow, so will your Tombot Puppy! We will add new actions and commands over time what can be easily updated through our smartphone app
We have sold-out our most recent litter! As soon as we are ready to resume processing pre-orders, we will do so on a first come, first serve basis from our waitlist.

Please visit the Product Provider, and if Tombot's are not yet available in the next batch, click on the Buy Button to reserve your Tombot Puppy at no cost.  

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    Please visit the Product Provider, and if Tombot's are not yet available in the next batch, click on the Buy Button to reserve your Tombot Puppy at no cost.  

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