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Tobii Dynavox : PCEYe Plus - Eye gaze control device for PC

Tobii Dynavox : PCEYe Plus - Eye gaze control device for PC

This product assists with independence by replacing the keyboard and mouse with eye tracking. 


Eye tracking, Dictation, Switch, and IR in one product! The PCEye Plus replaces the standard keyboard and mouse, allowing you to navigate and control your laptop or small screen desktop computer using only your eyes.

These various solutions empower you to individually create the most efficient way of computer interaction. The PCEye Plus lets you surf the web, connect with friends online, play games, Skype, turn on the lights or TV, and even make spreadsheets and documents using only your eyes.


For more information, or to buy, CLICK HERE

  • Description

    The PCEye Plus allows you to use all the functions of your computer, using only your eyes. Ultimately, the PCEye Plus gives you greater personal freedom and independence.

    Personal independence – Regaining a healthy level of personal independence is possible through the PCEye Plus that provides you with access to a computer and the Internet.
    Independent recreation – Pass the time, have fun, learn, and stimulate your mind by accessing a computer and the Internet through the PCEye Plus.

    Ergonomic access – Using gaze interaction to access your computer or dictation via the build-in microphones can be easier on your neck and shoulders than using a head mouse or a switch.

    Environmental control – Virtual Remote and the included EyeR dongle let you take control of things like lights, telephones, TVs, DVD players, toys and more. This allows you to regain much of your freedom and independence.

    Social networking – With the PCEye Plus, you can take advantage of all forms of communication, write emails, access social networking sites, and give friends and family updates about yourself through a blog.
    Artistic expression – Artistic expression through eye control is also a healthy way to spend time, acquire new skills and promote creativity, all things that can increase health and happiness.

    Remaining in work – Remain in the workplace longer or even return to work using the PCEye Plus, which allows for completely hands-free computing.

    Add AAC (coming soon) – Should you need dedicated, augmented and alternative communication software, you can also run Tobii Dynavox Communicator and Snap. These software packages provide options for more assisted communication.

  • Buy Link

    For more information, or to buy, Click Here

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