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Who We Help

Retirement Living
Home Care Providers
Providers of retirement and independent living can offer their communities the latest opportunities with health and home technology, that make life easier and more fun.
We can suggest top products, curate a unique information page, and turn technology into an experience with instructions, 'how to' cards and tips to make life easier, more fun and connected more closely to family & friends..
Options to Support Your Community

Home Care Providers
Home Care Providers can show a new level of value to clients, helping to provider the best of in person support, combined with technology that helps them at home between visits, or to enable support from their families or via telehealth.
2. Show Your Clients & Community You're Thinking of Them
We know it's hard to keep up with the latest health and home technology, and help it make sense for your clients.
Benefit: Add value. Position your brand as innovative and striving to give them the best options (or insights).
3. Offer Tailored Experiences
Offer a dedicated page for your Practice or client base.
We can curate the right subset of health and home tech that aligns with your focus, eg. Top GP visits, Pediatrics, Dementia, or Autism. We keep it human, high quality, the tech updated, and with shareable brochures and quick guides on 'how to use or read the data. We can also package bundles in a helpful 'care package'.
This means you'll have a dedicated page, to show you care while patients and clients aren't with you, and help, yet reduce the face-to-face time and responsibility. Free 3 month trial.

Who We Are
Our team has the vision to support you and your patients in keeping up with the latest in consumer health technology, so your patients can benefit from everything you currently do, and see you as a leader in giving them options to make life easier when you can't be with them.
We'reexperienced in the fields of consumer technology, medicine, psychology, and clinical governance, working internationally from Australia to Sweden to Silicon Valley.
We provide the latest of the world's best health-related technology in one place, we keep it updated so you don't have to, and we make it easy to understand and search.
We're independent (we don't offer any products of our own)
We assess products for quality and approvals
We anticipate related needs such as taking medication, monitoring health or helping family to support
We're focussed on people, making technology's benefits human, and getting outcomes
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