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Gemiini - Speech, Reading & Behavioral Skills

Gemiini - Speech, Reading & Behavioral Skills

This product can assist those with Autism, Down Syndrome, or speech-language delay, especially in children, with benefits to those challenged, their families, carers, health professionals, and educators. 




Gemiini evidence-based therapy is effective with all ages and ability levels and can be used anywhere and anytime to teach children and adults with autism the speech, reading, language, life, and social skills we use in our daily interactions.

Gemiini is a clinically proven program that provides 100% web-based, on-demand therapy through research-based video modeling for learners with and without exceptionalities.
With content in language, social skills, life skills, and reading, Gemiini makes integrating effective therapy possible and delivers unlimited access to therapy anytime and anywhere.

Gemiini has been clinically proven to be effective:
* For groups and in private sessions
* For general and special education needs
* In improving long-term learning skills
* As an effective and efficient home learning program

Who Can Use Gemini?

  • Parents: Gemiini offers a proven solution for parents to help teach their child to communicate or read.
  • Therapists & Clinicians:  Integrate Gemiini alongside current therapy and allow clients to continue therapy at home.
  • Schools: Gemiini is clinically proven to help students learn in both individual and group settings.
  • Gemiini is available globally (and is covered by the NDIS in Australia).


See Testimonials here.

  • Description

    Gemiini is a clinically proven program with on-demand video therapy and teaching tools to teach new information and train (or retrain) the brain how to think. To do this, Gemiini breaks down information into understandable and digestible bites to teach speech, language, reading, social skills, and life skills.

    Gemiini does this by using a clinically proven approach called discrete video modeling, which focuses on one concept at a time and presents that information in a video session-based format that fits easily within our modern lifestyles. This makes Gemiini an ideal solution for people with special needs like Autism, Down syndrome, Speech Delay, Stroke, and others.

    The service is online and has a huge library of content easily tailored to suit everyone’s unique needs. To make sure the learning never has to stop, our on-staff videographers and editors are always hard at work to make new videos available to you daily. And with the ability to create and upload your own video clips, the learning possibilities are endless!

    Gemiini is completely non-threatening and children learn naturally, while they are engaged in other activities like at mealtime, riding in the car, or during grocery shopping.


    • Breaks words and ideas into short, understandable bites by eliminating distractions. Repetition, Audio-Visual pairing, and context increase retention. DVM supports the way our brains work.

      DVM presents each concept as a discrete learning bite – without unnecessary information or distractions. Using a multi-view approach, the learner is exposed repeatedly to a word or concept in three contexts:
    1.  Name Card - The actor pronounces the word in front of a simple title card: Word Name + Picture
    2. Mouth View - The camera focuses only on the mouth as the actor speaks the word. Learners feel their own mouth wanting to move with the actor.
    3. Action Scene (Generalization). Using actor vignettes, animations, and conceptual groupings, the word or skill is presented in daily life.


    Research-Based: An evidence-based practice since 1990, video modeling is a demonstration of the targeted behavior or skill shown to the learner to assist learning in or engaging in a desired behavior or skill. Research shows that Gemiini fosters significant language acquisition.

    Because Gemiini can start before a school-age diagnosis, children receive a multi-year head-start building their critical language skills.

    • Efficiency: Learning targets are quickly identified through assessment tools and professional support.
    • Real-Time Collaboration: Team members can review and adjust the student curriculum, targets, and progress—in real-time.
    • Enduring: The Discrete video model reinforces skills to be applied in clinics, at school, and at home. It promotes generalization and maintenance of skills.
    • Flexible: Anywhere/anytime approach works at home, school, road trips, and more.
    • Access: Promotes early therapy unencumbered by wait times, waitlists, or age limits. Gemiini allows for immediate access to care.
    • Economical: Gemiini provides access to therapy services that traditional face-to-face therapies can’t keep up with demand, nor the costs.

    Gemiini has removed unnecessary stimuli, allowed individualization for each child, and added elements of generalization:

    After reviewing the published research, it makes perfect sense to me as a clinician that Gemiini patients have seen significant gains - Dr. Heather O’Shea, BCBA-D Chief Clinical Officer ACES (CA-OR-WA-HI-CO-TX-UT)

    Gemiini is one of the first tools we have seen that could legitimately be called a breakthrough... Our staff believes that Gemiini will revolutionize the way we teach language to children with language delays. - Keri Jones, CCC-SLP Speech Language Pathologist Pullman Regional Hospital (WA)

  • Buy Link

    For more information, or to buy, visit the Product Provider.  Note insurance assistance and rebates and financing may be available.

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